How does it work?

Time Tracker program description.






Time Tracker program description:

TimeTracker is designed to help managers to control their subordinates’ activities online. This method of monitoring can be useful for companies where dislocated workers with hourly wages are employed. The functioning principle is statistics gathering and sending them to the server. After statistical analysis the employer can get a report with How much time a worker spends on the computer, how intensive he or she uses programs of interest, get screenshots (optionally).
For organization of statistical data a worker should install TimeTracker-Agent (Oracle Java) on his of her computer. It's available to download the program for free if you sign up. Every time an employee gets down to work, he or she needs to start Time Tracker Agent, log in and point out a project the employee is going to work at.
Gathered data is transmitted to the server in encrypted form through the secure SSL channel, so we provide the data with double protection. Data basis is isolated completely, so the access may be realized only through API of Time Tracker.

The beginning of a manager's work.

To start working with Time Tracker, a project supervisor, design manager or a manager of an attendant group etc needs to sign up to Time Tracker Expert. Then you will get an e-mail with a temporary password and a link to a web-portal of Time Tracker Expert. After logging into check system, please change the temporary password and set up an appropriate time zone. It is necessary for correct reporting.
If time zone is not set up, GMT +00:00 corresponding to London, will be used.
 To change your password and time zone, click through your login link (top right corner of Time Tracker Expert) and choose a menu option "My profile".

In a dialogue "Profile" fill in necessary fields and save the changes.

We recommend you log off system and log in again using the new password.


Please contact our support team to report any error.            


Creating a project.

Go to the tab "Projects".
A project is a core which make an integrated whole of the workers- a group of software developers, designers, accountants etc.
A project is a unit, which is used to draw a report to the manager.
A manager should create at least one project. To create a project, click «Add project».

The "Create a new project" window will appear.

Fill in the field "Project name".
The field "Notes" is optional. Tick the box "Approved".

If the option “Approved” is not ticked, the statistics will not be gathered.


Creating a team.

Go to a tab "Employees".
The manager can work with different developers. A list of all subordinates is defined in a tab “Employees”.
To add an employee, press the "Add new employee" bottom.

In a dialogue "Registration form".

Fill in the fields:

  • "Alias" (advisable) and "Notes" (optionally).
  • "Time Zone" will be filled in automatically by Time Tracker Agent program.
  • "Username" and "Password" are necessary to be filled in.
  • The field "E-mail" is not obligatory, but advisable. A message with a temporary password notifying a worker that he or she is signed up to the system will be sent to the email you typed.
  • Tick the box "Approved" to enable a worker to sign in.

If the option “Approved” is not ticked, a worker will not be able to work with the system.

After filling out the form, press the bottom "Save".

If you use the function "E-mail", a default email program will be called with a message sample to send  it to a designer.

An employer can edit a text message and notify an employee about his signing up to the system.


An employee’s profile.

Press bottom “Configure profile” (on the right side of an employee’s description).

You will be able to change the following settings:

  • "Status refresh interval".
  • "Screen capture interval".
  • Tick the box "Screen Capture Enable" if you would like screen shots to be taken/

The function "Screen Capture Enable" is off by default.

 New settings will come into operation as an employee signs in to Time Tracker Agent next time.

To add employees into a project.

To finish settings you need to click the tab "Projects" and press "Involved employees" bottom.

In a dialogue “Involved employees” tick a box with a persons who are going to work at the project.

Untick the box with a person who is not going to work at a project.

Save the changes.

New settings will come into operation as an employee signs in to Time Tracker Agent next time.


That might be the end of configuration. A manager should make sure that an employee gets an e-mail with a temporary password and logs in at least once. Then an employee should change the temporary password and download Time Tracker Agent program from web-portal  Time Tracker Expert (according to the operating system installed on his or her computer).

The beginning of an employee work.

A developer, being notified of his signing up to the system, should log in to the service with the help of login and temporary password.
You can change the password by clicking your login in the upper right-hand corner of your account and selecting "Update Profile" from the menu.

"Profile" window will appear.

After updating save the changes.


We recommend you to log out the system and log in again using the new password.

You can download the program to your computer by clicking your login in the upper right-hand corner of your account and selecting "Download page" from the menu.

We provide detailed instruction for installing Time Tracker Agent to your PC for different operation systems, please follow the ones.
The program needs Java-environment to work successfully. Check for its presence and if it is unavailable install it from the website Oracle.

Configuration of Time Tracker Agent.

The program does not require any special configuration, it is already configured to the connection with Time Tracker Expert through the secure SSL channel. When launching the program you need to enter the password and login (the same settings as in Time Tracker Expert).

 and choose a project from a list of projects available for a developer.

If an operation is a success, the program will create an icon in a system tray.

All management will be realized with this icon.

Time Tracker Agent menu options:

  • Configuration allows setting up a connection between the program and a server. The connection can be maintained through a proxy server.

  • Logout allows to stop uploading submission and to go into sleep mode. To resume operations log in again and the statistics will be transmitted to the server.
  • Login resumes sending statistics to the server.

Change Project allows a designer to switch to another project without logout. All statistics will belong to a new project.
Quit to stop gathering information.
We recommend you to log out the system before shutting down your computer. Time Tracker Expert distinguishes that the connection with Time Tracker Agent is interrupted and recounts the statistics,
but for more precise analysis logging out the system or quitting is preferable.
If a developer logs into the system Time Tracker and a connection failure with the server takes place, the client program will be cumulating the statistics on a hard disck drive.
Then, along with reconnecting, the data will be send to the server with settled timing.

Time Tracker Expert draws the following reports:



  •  An employee’s attendance at work (in hours).
  • Intensity of using software (how active the program uses the processor resources and R/W memory (process resources)).


For a manager.

  • Screenshots.
  • Summary daily report about the time all workers spend on a certain project.

Log into Time Tracker Expert and go to tab "Statistics".

This report shows total amount of employees, who are working or have worked at a project at a certain day, and actual time spent on work.

Hours are cumulated in a manager's time zone.

Detailed report about every worker.

Go to a tab “Reports”. This tab includes a list of all workers who log into the system at least once. There you see the amount of hours spent on a project by a designer and his or her current status.

Click on tab with a designer’s description to open detail information. The statistics is gathered in the designer’s time zone to have a view of what time he or she works the most intensively.
Report "Presence" is calculated in equity units from 1.   0 – absent from work, 1 – attend work, 0.5- temporarily absent.

CPU report allows to control how intensive a worker uses this or that program.
A manager can apply  a process filter to choose the most interesting programs for monitoring.  Intensity of the program applying can be inferred by a graph of using a processor during the working hours.

Memory-report completes CPU-report and serves the same purposes. It is used to value intensity of a software applying in case of CPU-report offers no possibilities to do it. (too insignificant time of using the processor).

Screenshots – displays designer's screenshots.


Employee reports.

An employee can monitor the statistics that agent program gathers for a manager. Log into Time Tracker Expert and go to the "Presences" tab.
The next reports are available:
Report "Presence" shows the time that is spent for a particular project. The "Presence" report  is calculated in equity units from 1.0 – absent from work, 1 – attend work, 0.5- temporarily absent.

CPU – report.

CPU report allows to control how intensive a worker uses this or that program.
A employee can apply a process filter to choose the most interesting program  for monitoring.

Memory – report.
Memory-report completes CPU-report and serves the same purposes. It is used to value intensity of a software applying in case of CPU-report offers no possibilities to do it.
(too insignificant time of using the processor)



The program stores data for 45 days. It allows managers to analyze the work result for the previous month.