How do I install the program ttAgent?

Log in to your cabinet in Time Tracker Expert.
Download ttAgent program for your operating system.
Run the installation, follow by the instruction.

I am a manager do I need to install the program?

You don't, the ttAgent is needed only for your employees. You should work only by using your web cabinet of the Time Tracker Expert.
Can I use a mobile phone to get statistics?
Yes, you can, Time Tracker Expert provides an access via mobile phones and tablets.

I am an employee, Do I need to install ttAgent program?

Yes, you do, You need the program for gathering statistics about working on a project or projects.
Can I use a mobile phone to get statistics?
Yes, you can, Time Tracker Expert provides an access via mobile phones and tablets.

 Which data are gathered?

ttAgent collects: 
The user activity, list of running programs.
Depending on manager's settings -  screenshots of the main computer display.

Whether statistics is gathered while the ttAngent program is running, but I have not logged in yet?

The statistics is gathered ONLY if you are authorized.

Can I change a project without restart of the program?

Yes, it possible. Just right click on the program icon and choose the "Change project" item from popup menu.

Is ttAgent free of charge?

Yes it is.

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