Freelancer under control- it couldn't be any easier

Freelancer under control- it couldn't be any easier
  • Freelancer under controlTT Experttime tracking softwareFree Time Tracking Software
A technological leap lets employees get away from the office, provide themselves with flexible work schedule and work from anywhere globally. Widespread professions of remote workers include advertising experts, copy-writers, journalists, small business accountants, interpreters, a wide range of occupations related to IT. Competent recruitment and efficient check system make this employment type profitable and advantageous. How does it cut monthly expenses? First of all, a worker doesn’t need an office space. You don’t have to rent an office, obtain appropriate equipment and software etc. Energy consumption, Internet access, some extra expenses which many companies compensate for – e.g., mobile communication, transport, as well as coffee, cookies, office supplies – all these can total a good deal of money.
Additionally, an employer can find competent specialists not only in his or her city, but throughout the world. It is commonly known that wages vary substantially depending on location all other conditions being equal. It can readily be understood that remote work presupposes significant cost minimization. How does such saving affect the result?
When establishing a piece rate system you pay for a result not for time spent in an office chair, that is why remote workers are often hired for temporary or occasional jobs. If you deal with distance work by contract, a manager should be able to issue instructions, explain the expected results, delegate responsibilities etc. At the same time a freelancer should be self-organized, honest, objective, self-reliant, have enough will power, self-discipline and ambition. This work type enhances the likelihood of miscommunication and misapprehension, so workers tend to get themselves a job which requires as little communication with managers as possible.
However an issue of control still discomforts employers chiefly. Many people believe that absence from the workplace decreases productivity severely. Take into account the fact that competence and professionalism are not measured in meters – an irresponsible and careless worker you don’t trust won’t become reliable sitting in an office chair. For a multilevel analysis of remote workers you can take on board a program TT Expert (Free Time Tracking Software). An employee carries out instructions more consciously if his work is under control.
